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Without financial literacy, people cannot turn information into wealth

Once upon a time national currencies corresponded to and were directly converted into gold reserves. Once upon a time printing money was a crime and was known as counterfeiting. Once upon a time a man went to school, got a job, got a pension young and he lived well and we lived better.

Once upon a time all one had to do was buy a house and when the value of the house went up, one became rich. Once upon a time all one had to do was invest in the stock market and when the stock market went up, one became rich. Once upon a time, having a college degree meant higher earnings

Once upon a time age was an advantage. Once upon a time a retiree could count on Social Security and Medicare for the care they needed.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) Once Upon a Time is over. The world has changed and continues to change daily at faster and faster rates. Before 1993 the internet didn't even exist. Before 1998 there was no Google. Before 2004 there was no Facebook. Before 2008, there was no Airbnb. Before 2008, cryptocurrencies did not exist. Before 2009 there was no Uber.

The world has changed. The largest hosting company does not own a single room. The same applies to the largest transport company: it does not have a single car of its own.

Today there are many opportunities for everyone as money as we know it has changed and continues to change. Many people who are rich today will become the new poor and vice versa. And this will happen because money is no longer money as we know it.

We live in the information age and information is now abundant and in the majority of them free. Today, through YouTube and podcasts, one can have constant access to millions of lectures, speeches, university courses and anything the mind can think of. Of course, to turn information into knowledge, education is needed. No financial literacy, people cannot turn information into wealth.

The new money is KNOWLEDGE. People are impressed by "before and after photos". Especially the pictures of huge weight loss are inspiring. Because they remind us of who we are deep down and what enormous potential each person has, that there is a butterfly in each of us waiting to be released. That's why there are dozens of TV shows, from "makeover" ones to "renovation" houses and apartments.

Can anyone "transformed" from "poor" man to "rich"? YES. Starting first with to learn how to play the right money game.

But there are differences between external and internal renewal. It is very easy to paint an old house or put nice clothes on a person. These are about external renewal. But to transform a person from poor to rich requires much more than a coat of paint, an inner renewal is needed.

These transformations are transformations of people's inner world, changes in the way they think about themselves and money, and the choices they make.

There is one difference between being single and being poor. The single is temporary while the poor is eternal. It's a difference in mindset. The problem is that without financial literacy, most people will never be rich in mindset. And this is the real crisis.

I deeply believe that in the age we live in there are more opportunities than ever in history for a person to develop, to succeed, to become rich. As long as he is willing to acquire the knowledge, the financial literacy and pay the temporary price of the scam to get everything he dreams of at night just before he sleeps...



– Robert Kiyosaki, "Second Chance"

– Robert Kiyosaki, "Poor Dad and Rich Dad Stories"


This article was published on epixeiro.gr: www.epixeiro.gr/article/135196