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The (other) unseen heroes of the quarantine

Of course, I admire and am grateful for the heroes of the healthcare system who give what they have (and what they discovered they have in mental strength and maybe didn't know it) every day. And of course without being paid accordingly for all that they do. But today I want to speak and thank another group of unsung heroes of this strange time we live in.

The accountants.

Yes, you read that right, the accountants. Several years ago, on the occasion of the development of a global business project, I was in Athens and one of my key partners is Nikos, an accountant at Elliniko. Since then, of course, we have been connected by much more than this joint project that continues dynamically. Through him I was led to two of the most basic areas of happiness and success in my life today. My wife Leoni and the leading personal development agency in Greece, the Decide.

So because of our relationship, in the afternoons I have a space in his accounting office where I do my own activities. I live from the inside, one might say, what accountants do in this period of quarantine on a daily basis.

They are trying these weeks to consistently practice their profession under challenging conditions. Lost in thousands of pages of laws, decisions and vague circulars, which change daily. With the climax of the famous "educational seminars" of the freelancers to get the 600ari and many more. It's as if some people in ministries do A/B testing (a technique used in advertising to see which campaign works best) and the accountants run it for them. Free of course.

They are people who are not afraid of work, after all, in recent years they have become accustomed to this state chaos and the constant changes of decisions. Being "jointly responsible" with fines that threaten their existence every day. During this period, they also have to endure the arrogance of the decision-makers who, instead of even asking for an apology, come out on top.

Without them, how many businesses in this period would manage to do even the basics? People who rely on them to get suspended early and right. To collect their 800. Businesses that are entrusted to them to carry out all procedures in a timely and correct manner, whether suspension or special operation, or to inform them daily about all that simply...changes daily. And many times (I am a witness) they hear it from above. From rightfully outraged citizens or businessmen. Who choose to lash out where it's easiest for them at that moment, to the person they have on the phone line who brings them the news.

These people stand by the businessman, but also to the employee and in the midst of the pandemic. They even work on holidays to make ends meet, depriving themselves and their families of a few moments of relaxation and peace.

And of course all this is unpaid. Because, most certainly, they are above all human. Which perform a function that is particularly underestimated in our country. And usually poorly paid. But these people have honor. And they know how to take responsibility.

If it matters even a little, a huge thumbs up from me, as a businessman and a person, for all that you offer and may not be recognized by the majority of society. Your magic!




In the L-Team business team we have assembled some of the best people in their industry and a key area in the money game is accounting.

On the occasion of the new program of the TEPIX II Business Financing action "Working capital with interest subsidy" by the Hellenic Development Bank (EAT) which strengthens the liquidity of businesses the Alexios had a conversation with Nikos Sougela and we recorded it for all of you!

Let's hear them discuss, on the occasion of this program, about the utility of liquidity, for "good" and "bad" loans and for it where the small and medium market is headed after the corona virus… enjoy!