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Crisis or opportunity? What will the world be like after the coronavirus?

What we are living in, these strange days, may be the best thing that has happened to you! The situation of the coronavirus crisis is bigger than the twin towers, or the collapse of 2008, or any other crisis of the last 100 years. What is happening globally at every level, with half the Earth's population in (voluntary) confinement at home, will likely lead to a massive economic disaster. What is definitely happening is that we are officially living the end of the industrial age and the finalization of the "information age".

Since 1980 Alvin Toffler in his sensational book "The Third Wave" has been describing this transition and, a few decades later, everything he predicted has now come true and the third wave has now officially won the battle.

In this book, Toffler covers a surprisingly wide range of topics surrounding human society and its organization. The basic narrative goes like this: The entire history of the civilized world (after the Neolithic era) is characterized by three major phases: the agricultural revolution, the industrial revolution, and the information age revolution.

In regards to the series of articles on how to play the right game of money, it is of particular interest to see how he describes the evolution of money in this book.

While in the First Wave money has real value (gold, silver, etc.), in the Second Wave it has symbolic value: that is, it is nothing more than a piece of printed paper with the signature of a central banker.

In the Third Wave, however, we will have it super-symbolic money. Given that we will not need to carry money, we will make our payments with our electronic tools, and all our transactions along with their history, will be done on the Network.

The transition to the information age is a huge change and the problem will be those who are still stuck in the thoughts and practices of the industrial age.

Whether or not I am experiencing a crisis today is up to me. It's all in my head. Whether I'm going to sit at home all day thinking about if and when I'm going to lose my job, my house, my money, my pension, etc., has to do with whether I'm stuck in old industrial age thinking.

Everything in life follows the cycles of life, dying and being reborn and constantly changing form... the caterpillar becomes a butterfly, trees go bare in winter and then bear fruit. Life never stops, never stagnates, it only changes forms because it evolves!

This is what we live for the time of transformation. Each one individually.

And of course everyone together, but it always starts at the individual level and that's where I have the ultimate responsibility. And that takes work… inside work. That's why it's done in the dark, you with yourself.

Yes, it's not an easy job, it's like the caterpillar that at some point has squeezed too much inside the tight cocoon and the darkness and puts all its might until it breaks the cocoon that confines it and comes to light!

And if you are struggling financially at this time, think of yourself as a caterpillar. And this crisis is your cocoon. The question is: "what will you emerge from there?"

You will come out as a victim who will talk about his bad luck, the unfair world that destroyed him, the bad capitalists who ruined them, etc. or would you say this was the best thing that happened to you?

The same applies to the coronavirus. Shall I mourn my fate or make a decision to eat healthier, watch my weight and body and become as healthy as I can so I don't have these issues in the future?

Because the virus is real. The question is how healthy am I...Either I will become healthier and richer or I will be driven to failure.

These are my decisions that I can make today! It is a great opportunity to grow and mature emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically and financially. This can happen if I stand honestly and courageously in front of the mirror and ask myself: “how did I get here? What are the things I don't know or have been taught completely wrong and why am I not properly prepared for the new age?"

Toffler in his book describes the future with absolute devotion and faith in people's creative ability to harness technological development to their advantage, and not about creating a dystopian future.

Will you, in your own future, decide to take advantage of all the developments in technology and create your own new opportunities, with a real revolution in your everyday life? You will learn how is the right money game being played and how can you gain financial independence in this new age?

If the answer is yes then welcome to the new information age!

You are not alone, there are many of us on this journey and together we can achieve much more, much faster and with more joy and enjoyment.

This wonderful road it can start now for you too and it's full of surprises!

It's your time. Dare it!



The article was published in the column of Alexios Vandoros at epixeiro.gr. Without notification or warning and after the article was published on 24.04.2020 I received the following email:

"Alexis, I just have to inform you about two matters:
  • First, about the video, I was informed by the commercial that no more videos can be added to newer articles, and it had to be removed from the current one as well. They are considered part of the sales in the articles, and until now they stayed because of our cooperation. They stick to the past, but you should discuss with them what could be done from now on. I put you in touch whenever you want.”

I have learned both as an entrepreneur and as a freelancer to follow some ethical and professional rules. Among which to inform a (already long-term) partner of mine that I will "cut" or tease something of his and if he is in agreement with it. That's why I chose to republish my text on my personal blog and share it from here on social media.


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