In our seminars at Decide very often minor children come, either in adolescence or younger. Even at ages 5-6. The responsibility we have when we are on stage and do personal development seminars is huge. Because we are dealing with the souls of men. But when we have small children in front of us, the responsibility is manifold. And there you need to humbly kneel before them, go to their level and share with all your love the precious knowledge.
Trusting that they can understand everything. This is also evident from the unique questions they ask. Which are so simple yet so deep and challenging.
Children can only change the future if adults do something now.
And how many adults in the present have the education or had the proper stimuli as children to be able to shape the adults of tomorrow? Since children imitate the adults in their environment, the latter must be role models. And not only to their own children...
If there is some self-evident truth about the world and life, something that lies behind all the things we know, a truth natural and undeniable, then this truth is known by young children.
These are the ones who see the world without previous interpretations and impressions, without misunderstandings and delusions, they see it as it really is: mysterious and wonderful and wonderful, full of wonders, adventure and ecstasy!
The world is a place of wonder and mystery when you are a child. And it doesn't change when you grow up. You are the one who changes. The pure truth remains, you are the one who lost it. What did not exist in us is the concept of importance, significance. All things were great and important, even the most insignificant, the most insignificant, the most indifferent to adults, the most commonplace. And exploration was the only important thing, so was play, joy, love!
What I know for sure is that children possess unbridled imagination, spontaneous honesty, disarming honesty and purity of soul and gaze. Those that are the antidote to every pathology in this world.
The least the society they grow up in can do here and now is not to curb and distort their raw perfection. And society, we are each an adult individually.
I thank, love, appreciate every opportunity I get to interact with a child's soul. Whether this is in seminars or in everyday life.

A few days ago in the park where I was with Dioni, my middle daughter who is 2.5 years old, another child her age wanted to climb the castle. The girl who was taking care of him wouldn't let him go and told him that she will only do this with his parents. It is partly reasonable that he does not want to take responsibility. But she told him that it was dangerous and that he couldn't do it. I took the initiative and asked her permission to help it up and take care of it with Dioni.
To her credit she accepted.
I stood behind the little Apostolo as I do with mine, I quickly showed him my nipple and "I can" and he started to climb. Within minutes she did it without hesitation and they were playing up there with Dioni.
The best thing is that the girl who was paying attention changed her vocabulary and started rewarding and encouraging him.
We don't need gallons and titles to practice leadership.
Anyone can do it every day, on every occasion, so our world will become much more beautiful!!