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Seesaw at the Mexico - America border

When architecture unites…

To visualize the mutual relationship between the people between Mexico and America the architect Ronald Real created a lively seesaw game on the border.

To show in this way that actions on one side have a direct impact on what happens on the other side…

Building borders (in countries, plots, houses) we don't necessarily create better relationships.

On this wonderful planet we have so many common problems, so many beauties to share.
Any boundaries reinforce the Ego, while all beauty and ultimately the solution to whatever happens is always in Us!

The architect's interesting Ted talk: www.ted.com/…/ronald_rael_an_architect_s_subversive_reimagi…

“There are no two sides defined by a wall. This is a single landscape, split in half."
What are borders? It is a line on a map, a place where cultures mix and merge in beautiful, sometimes violent and occasionally ridiculous ways. And what is a border wall? An overly simplistic answer to this complexity, according to architect Ronald Rael. In his talk Rael reaffirms the physical barrier that divides the United States and Mexico – showing satirical, yet serious, border-inspired artwork and showing us the borders we don't see in the news.