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I agree with the opinion that in unprecedented and global risk situations one way to deal is to "one problem at a time". In other words, the health of people on planet Earth comes first and I choose to actively participate in it #we live at home for many reasons.

What I do not choose to do is to smurf and bury under the carpet the huge issues that arise every day on the financial level. Every decision has consequences. Which I will pay in the short, medium or long term.
I'm not sure if the choices these days are long-term optimal for the human ecosystem (which largely includes the economy).
I'm not an expert, I don't have the knowledge and time to think or suggest what could be done as an alternative.

What I can see happening, with all my knowledge and experience in finance, it is a series of extreme, piecemeal and without any plan or prediction of movements on a global level.

Which lead to tried and failed situations.
Money is printed in such quantities that soon whatever money we have in our possession can be just toilet paper, at least we won't be looking to buy then... (to lighten the mood a bit)

A series of "measures" and "firefighting moves" reminiscent of trying to resuscitate a body that is already dead with electric shocks.

As a lifestyle I choose to focus on "how can I" and on the positive side of every situation. There are certainly positives in all of this. And it is up to us, each one in his personal microcosm and all together to the extent that we influence our surroundings to start to learn how the right money game is being played!

And then do something with it of course.
And this is not done through a FB post or from the laptop.

Let's not forget (or learn) that the money system is designed to keep people poor as we have said >> https://youtu.be/IafnMydPHrE

All this as an introduction… inspired by this interview of the French philosopher Pascal Bruckner from where I keep the last paragraph:

“What struck me in Emmanuel Macron's [recent] speech is the idea that we are going to rely on the collapse of the economy to start from a new base. That is, using the weapon of debt. It is not at all unreasonable: many economists have long supported the idea of reheating the economy with debt. Without hesitation Macron took the step for hundreds of billions in debt.
And this is new! Germany's 3% (debt-to-GDP ratio) rule is gone. It is the end of German despotism in Maastricht Europe. As Germany is in a difficult situation and there is also a resurgence of Nazism, Frau Merkel is no longer heard as an Oracle"...

See the whole interview: www.iefimerida.gr/kosmos/paskal-mprykner-i-pandimia-toy-koronoioy-simatodotei-telos-toy-germanikoy-despotismoy

It is said that the worst will come after the pandemic is over when the effects of the economic disaster will be seen.

We are close, we follow the developments with interest and we will inform you of what we learn from reliable sources.

Our view is that these strange days are an opportunity to reflect on what I can do differently, to take advantage of this period of forced fallow to acquire new skills and, why not, start new activities that give me extra income and gradually increasing passive income!