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Cities: Without trees # With trees

A picture speaks a thousand words.

Summer will come again and in many cities of the world the urban environment will be unbearable.
There are ways to make our cities cooler and at the same time the environment healthier and our aesthetics better!

Of course each of us has our own share of responsibility.

I can throw my rubbish in the bins.
I can pick up my dog's poop.
I can put out my cigarette in the special cases.
I can recycle.
I can dispose of my rubbish when the bins are empty and not overflowing.
I can water the flowers in my neighborhood.
I can keep my balcony clean.
I can walk more and use my car less.
I can develop my home energy-wise so that I don't burn the air conditioner all summer or the fireplace all winter regardless of the people outside my house.
I can pick up a piece of trash if I see it thrown on the street.
I can do all this even when no one is looking...

Yes I can.