"LEADERSHIP does not mean power, but passion. It's not about image, it's about influence. This is 21st century leadership”
Three barbers went out on the streets of Athens last night.
One chair, one scissors, one towel, one machine.
They cut and groomed homeless people who were waiting for them.
Anyone who is today full of life can with passion and inspiration to mobilize positive change in spite of all negative circumstances. And he doesn't need any title to do that.
Let us all realize that heroes don't wear capes and weird outfits, but fortunately they circulate among us.
Anyone alive today has the power to inspire, influence and uplift any person they meet by offering them the gift of a great example. And he doesn't need any title to do that.

YES, one person can make a difference.
It can become the occasion to make the world more beautiful.
Even for some few people.
Even for one person at a time.
The following parable, based on Loren Eiseley's 16-page Thrower Star essay, beautifully describes why:
One day, a man was walking along the beach. The previous night had been preceded by a violent storm and the swell had washed ashore hundreds of starfish.
At one point he saw a small child bending down on the sand, picking up something very gently and throwing it into the sea.
This movement was repeated several times, and it piqued his interest so much that he came closer to take a closer look.
To his surprise he then found that the child was picking up the washed-up starfish and throwing them back into the sea. As the child was engaged in his work and had not noticed him, the man stood and observed him for some time.
At some point our man decided to make his presence more noticeable and shouted to him:
- Good morning! What are you doing here;
The child, stopped for a moment, looked at the man and answered him.
- Don't you see? I throw the starfish back into the sea.
– What you're doing doesn't make sense, the man countered. There are hundreds of starfish dying on the beach. It doesn't matter what you do!
The child looked at him disapprovingly, showed him the starfish in his hand and said:
– But it matters to him here…. he is still alive! And saying these words he gently threw the starfish into the sea.
Our man, offended because a small child was showing him the right thing, continued on his way, walking beside the washed-up starfish.
A little further down, however, some saw him stealthily looking around to see if anyone could see him, and when he was sure he was alone, he bent down, picked up a starfish and gently dropped it into the sea...
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjdQd4zzQLg[/embedyt]